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Quality Unit

 The national duty asks all of us to exert effort, sincerity and honesty in raising the efficiency of the educational process within the institution in order to obtain accreditation.

 The scientific and technical progress and intensification of competition between educational institutions are among the most important challenges facing countries. Therefore, quality is at the forefront of the vital strategic concerns that face us in our lives in general and at our specialties in particular and exceeds the concept of quality and its traditional meaning which means the quality of the product or service to include the institution quality in order to improve performance, reduce costs, control time, achieve customer desires and teamwork, and enhance affiliation.


  To prepare all the departments of the faculty to achieve the comprehensive quality standards, activate the ICT in the teaching and learning processes and appreciate the capacity of their employees in self-assessment, planning and follow-up at the national and global levels according to the international standards of accreditation in the framework of decentralization and reform, effective standards, regulations and laws supporting quality. Therefore, the faculty of Nursing has become a model for nursing institutions in Egypt according to quality standards.


  Quality assurance unit of the Faculty of Nursing seeks to develop nursing education at the practical and theoretical levels at both the undergraduate and postgraduate stages, in addition to providing preventive and rehabilitative services to the community and seeking to raise the level of scientific research in nursing to solve the problems of the local and international community.


  • Deepen
  • Realism
  • Transparency and credibility in performance
  • Loyalty, sincerity and justice
  • Vitality and potential
  • Ability of Persuasion
  • Responsibility
  • Manage complex situations
  • Create new ideas.
  • Predict the needs of the community