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Graduate Affairs Unit


Graduates Unit of the Faculty of Nursing - Minia University seeks to be a distinguished unit at the local and regional levels in the field of continuous communication with the community by following up the faculty graduates and meeting the needs of the community.


The unit works also to achieve continuous development and raise the level of graduates to suit the requirements of the labor market in order to achieve the faculty’s mission and strategic goals.

Unit Goals:

1- Strengthening the relationship between the faculty and its graduates by creating channels of communication to exchange information and experiences at the professional and scientific level.

2- Creating a database of graduates.

3- Identifying the most important obstacles facing the graduate and affecting the level of his performance.

4- Raising the efficiency of the graduates’ performance level.

5- Studying the needs and requirements of the labor market.

6- Asking opinions of graduates in evaluating the educational programs of the faculty.

4- Raising the efficiency of the graduates’ performance level.

7- Establishing the Faculty Graduate Association.

Guide of Graduates 2017-2018

Guide of Graduates 2018-2019