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The 2nd Annual Scientific Conference, under the title” Artificial Intelligence in Nursing-The Future of Nursing Care”
Puplish date: 2024-04-14

Under the patronage of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ayman Ashour, President of Minia University Prof. Dr. Essam Farahat, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing Prof. Dr. Safaa Mohammed Abd Al-Rahman, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Researches Prof. Dr. Hoda Abdel Azeem, and conference coordinator, Assistant Professor. Jihan Abd El-Raheem.

The Faculty of Nursing decided to hold the 2nd Annual Scientific Conference, under the title” Artificial Intelligence in Nursing- The Future of Nursing Care” on Monday, April29, 2023 in the faculty’s discussion hall, Minia University